BKW Group Code of Conduct: a guide for day-to-day work

The BKW Group Code of Conduct expresses our corporate culture and the values and principles that we pledge to uphold. Our conduct is based on our three core values entrepreneurial, collaborative, trailblazing. 


The Code of Conduct applies to all employees of the BKW Group and to all external persons working for BKW, regardless of their position, role or location. It describes various situations encountered in our day-to-day work and helps our employees to behave correctly even in difficult situations in accordance with the law, social requirements and corporate principles. 



Unsere Kernwerte: Das macht uns aus

Unsere Kernwerte: Das macht uns aus

Wir sind eine ambitionierte Unternehmensgruppe mit einem starken wirtschaftlichen Fundament. Was uns alle verbindet, ist eine gemeinsame Haltung, die auf unseren drei Kernwerten basiert: unternehmerisch, partnerschaftlich, zukunftsweisend. 

We observe the following four principles in our day-to-day work:

  1. We respect people, their rights and their dignity in all respects 
  2. We conduct ourselves based on trust and respect and we show each other appreciation  
  3. We accept our responsibility towards the environment and the climate and contribute to a future worth living  
  4. We prioritise correct conduct and integrity in all our relationships in both the physical and the digital world 

Responsible business practices

Responsible business practices

BKW participates in the UN Global Compact, the world’s largest corporate sustainability initiative. We are therefore committed to adhering to 10 principles for responsible business practices.

Unser Verhalten: Nach diesen Grundsätzen handeln wir

Unser Verhalten: Nach diesen Grundsätzen handeln wir

Aus unseren Kernwerten und Prinzipien leiten wir unsere Verhaltensgrundsätze ab. Sie geben uns Orientierung in unterschiedlichsten Arbeitssituationen und helfen uns, die richtige Entscheidung zu finden.