
BKW continued its successful trajectory in 2024

BKW has closed the 2024 fiscal year with a successful result. Operating profit (EBIT) was CHF 789.9 million. Several positive effects in the Energy Solutions business segment contributed significantly to this result. The Power Grid business segment again made its usual stable contribution to EBIT. The Infrastructure & Buildings business segment developed strongly in the past year and has returned to profitability.

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BKW achieves a successful result in the 2024 fiscal year

BKW achieves a successful result in the 2024 fiscal year

BKW closed the 2024 fiscal year with total operating revenue of CHF 4.8 billion. This corresponds to an increase of 3.8% compared to the previous year. Operating profit (EBIT) in 2024 was CHF 789.9 million (up 27.3% year-on-year).

Sustainability at the center of all activities

Sustainability at the center of all activities

BKW is pursuing ambitious sustainability goals in the areas of climate, energy, nature and people with its “Solutions 2030” strategy. In addition, strong governance forms the foundation for all sustainability-related activities.

BKW latest

Balancing prosperity and the environment

At BKW, we make a major contribution to sustainability. Our solutions help our customers make their own contribution to a future worth living. We also use our resources efficiently and take responsibility as an employer and business partner. You can find out more about this in our Sustainability Report.

Gemeinsam die Energie von morgen denken

Gemeinsam die Energie von morgen denken

Die BKW bietet Energie- und Gebäudelösungen für eine lebenswerte Zukunft.

Produzieren Sie eigenen Strom

Erfahren Sie, wie wir Sie von der Herstellung bis zur optimalen Nutzung Ihres eigenen, nachhaltigen Solarstroms unterstützen.

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